Season 5 Of Call of Duty Mobile : In Deep Water
New battle pass

Premium rewards
- New Epic Blueprint Weapons: BK57 – Counter Stealth Unit, CR-56 AMAX – Torpedo, DR-H – Rebreather, QXR – Close Catch, and PP19 Bizon – Devilfish.
- New epic characters: Roze – Foreshadow, Rorke – Man Hunter, Otter – Backstroke, and Merrick.
- New legendary calling card: Eye of the Storm.
Battle pass bundle rewards
- Calling Card: Wetworks
- Karambit: Black Ice
- Frame: Dark Freeze
- Avatar: Ghosts
Free rewards
New prototype assault rifle: CR-56 AMAX
- The CR-56 AMAX is an easy-to-control assault rifle that can be fitted with a variety of attachments. It also supports a semi-automatic magazine attachment which makes it a dangerous marksman rifle.
New operator skill: K9 Unit
- This operator skill summons a military dog. It will automatically track and attack enemies from their smell.
Seasonal challenge rewards
New shotgun: 725
- The 725 shotgun is a highly maneuverable pump-action shotgun. The weapon excels at close range.
New perk: Gung-Ho
- With the Gung-Ho perk, players will be able to hip-fire, throw grenades, and reload while sprinting.
New battle royale class: Rewind
- With this, players will be able to glitch back in time and also have a high resistance to explosives.
New map: Suldal Harbor
- Suldal Harbor is a medium-sized map composed of a large number of containers and several buildings. There are various corners and bunkers between the compact buildings.
- Supported modes: Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, and more.
New map: Docks
- Docks is located next to a London shipyard.
- The small map supports the gunfight and one-vs-one duel modes.
New map: Aniyah Incursion
- The map is located in Central Asia. It has a central palace containing a wide periphery and intense interior.
- Supported mode: Ground Mission
New mode: Ground Mission
- Ground Mission is a 10-vs-10 mode domination mode with five capture points.
- Each round lasts 10 minutes.
- The first team to reach 300 points will achieve victory.
New mode: Cranked: Confirmed
- The Cranked: Confirmed is a five-vs-five mode and is a combination of the Cranked and Kill Confirmed modes.
- Players enter the Cranked stage for a combat boost and a timer. When the timer runs out, the player will die. Players need to get kills or confirm them to extend the timer.
Optimizations and adjustments
- Reduced the range of the PP19 Bizon.
- Reduce the damage of QXR without any accessories, increased the damage rate of hitting the chest, and slightly increased the bullet spread.
- Reduced the damage to the when the QXR is equipped with reinforcement bolts.
- Reduced the range bonus of QXR equipped with monolithic silencer and long barrel.
- Slightly increase the range of the ASM10.
- Slightly increased the opening speed of Locus equipped with the skeleton butt.
- Slightly reduce the HP of the Hawk X3. Continuous firing will reduce the accuracy.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug that caused the vision to see through the wall at a specific location in the multiplayer map of Tunisia.
Ayo first comment?
Wow. BUt did thermites get nerfed?
Ayo second comment?
Thermites should be nerfed!!!!!!